Sunday, April 3, 2011

International Forum for InterMedia Art

International Forum for InterMedia Art

IFIMA is an international  art and cultural organization which

  • Promotes a social and cultural engaging art practice through the promotion of cultural activities contributing to the developmental needs of the public.
  • Encourages collaborations with cross culture and religious sectors.
  • Promotes discourse and dialogue through creative activities.
  • Organizes cultural and art events within specific areas.
  • Provides training and resource building programmes for community building and self education.
Voicing the City, interactive installation and performance in public spaces, by Amanda Heng and Chu Chu Yuan, 2002, Danzig, Poland

Their actions broadly range from developing community resources, carrying out public art projects and/or interactive performances; devising social organizational and relational structures; organizing activities and/ or informal learning programmes, with the aim of promoting self-organisation and facilitating self-realisation of members of that community. 
Their broader art practice also consists of work in organizing, curating, building networks and discourses, advocacy, training and education, writing, and research.

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